Fair Media Council

Fair Media Council advocates for quality local news and educates the public to become media savvy news consumers.

A 501c3 nonprofit organization, Fair Media Council serves as the public's media watchdog for New York local news. About 200 companies and nonprofit organizations belong to FMC, which is celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2009. The organization is under the direction of Executive Director Jaci Clement, and has a Board of Directors composed of New York business and community leaders.

FMC places a major emphasis on educating the public to become media savvy news consumers. Educational programming is held throughout the year, as well as opportunities for the public to meet with the media and create an open dialogue. Most recently, FMC has begun a news literacy program for children and, to encourage teachers to incorporate news literacy into their classses, created a teacher recognition program for 4th-to-6th grade teachers across the country. FMC also created a Media Savvy Bill of Rights.

FMC events bridge the news media together with the public and attract some of the most influential people in the news business. Most recently, keynoters at FMC events have included Dan Rather, Helen Thomas, William F. Baker and Bob Woodruff.

Founded in 1979, FMC was formerly known as the Long Island Coalition for Fair Broadcasting, Inc. In 2004, the organization expanded its mission and focus and its name was changed to reflect its new purpose.